LITTLE FLOWERS ENG. SCHOOL (LFES), Alipurduar, W.B. is a Co-Ed Residential cum Day School in a Gurukul environment in the lap of Nature at the foot-hill of the Himalayas, Green DUARS. It is a CBSE Affiliated Senior Secondary School sponsored and established by the philanthropists of the Society, LITTLE FLOWERS with the purpose to lit the light of Education in Duars, in the year 1994, January 12th, the auspicious Birth day of Swami Vivekananda, by adhering his ideology of Universal Fraternity. Through years of sincere service, dedication, diligence and perseverance, the school sapling has grown into a flowering and fruit laden tree. Today it is a popular and leading CBSE School in the North Eastern Zone of India.
Little Flowers English School Fee Structure
30600 / Annual
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