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Sri Viswasanthi Educational Institutions - Vuyyuru

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Sri Viswasanthi Educational Institutions Information

Since : 1975

Category : Boarding Schools

LKG - Class 12

Board : CBSE, State Board


About Sri Viswasanthi Educational Institutions

"Viswasanthi Educational Society has taken its roots at Vuyyuru in 1975 as a registered society under the societies registration act XXI of 1860 with a great vision, mission & passion of Mrs.

"Viswasanthi Educational Society has taken its roots at Vuyyuru in 1975 as a registered society under the societies registration act XXI of 1860 with a great vision, mission & passion of Mrs. & Mr. M. Subramaneyswara Rao. Sri Viswasanthi English Medium High School came into existence at Gandigunta Village with a modest strength of 7 students on 22.02.1975. It is the first English medium school in a rural area of Krishna District, now the institution has grown in leaps and bounds with a present strength of 4500 students from 22 states with a motto Education and Discipline.The vision of the society is the childs all-round development of personality i.e. to develop the child physically, mentally, socially, morally, emotionally, aesthetically and spiritually. To transform the student into a knowledgeable and productive citizen of India through quality education.Achievement of these goals and implementation of innovative strategies is our mission our school emblem consists of flying pigeon with a twig in its beak, a symbol of peace and spreading the peace throughout the globe. Our motto is Education-Discipline i.e. to foster self-discipline through complete education and to mold the student to face the challenges of the future with confidence.The L shaped three storied VISWASANTHI citadel with the length of half a kilometer long is a spectacular Fortress with 400 rooms. The kingdom of VISWASANTHI is a dream campus built in 80 acres. All the classrooms have been built in the Gurukula model on sprawling lush soil with expansive playground and a vast green square carpet in front of BhuvanaVijayam at the center of the campus with blossoming trees all around. We have been operating four different organizations in the orbit of SRI VISWASANTHI INSTITUTIONS "
Sri Viswasanthi Educational Institutions Fee Structure

30000 / Annual

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Sri Viswasanthi Educational Institutions Location

Vuyyuru Mandal Near Vijayawada, Krishna , Andhra Pradesh

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