Since : 1980
Category : Play Schools
Board : Other Boards
Play outdoors, indoors, do yoga & eat nutritious food to develop physically. Learn to share, care, cooperate, accept responsibility & also learn to wait for our turn! Learn to control & discipline ourselves, to cope with aggression & most of all enhance our self esteem. Draw, paint, cut, tear, stick, sing & move to music & rhythm ; we also make our very own music band!! Go for field trips, nature walks, ask millions of questions, solve puzzles, develop our reasoning & thinking abilities, explore, experiment & Learn through first hand experiences so that our learning is permanent! Hear stories, read books, do role play, see puppet & moppet shows ,develop Language, our communication skills & fantasize our imagination. Swim, splash & jump - in the pool- on the trampoline, learn through our senses, celebrate all our festivals, have special thematic days throughout the year! Exhibitions of our work and showcase our creative minds and Knowledge of the world around us!. .
N S Rd Number 4, JVPD Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400056