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Mount Mary Convent High School - Bandra West

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Mount Mary Convent High School Information

Since : 1910

Category : Public Schools

PRE - 10

Board : State Board


About Mount Mary Convent High School

Welcome to Mount Mary Convent High School.

Welcome to Mount Mary Convent High School. The school is run by the Congregation of the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters. Our motto:“LUCERE ET FOVERE”

LUCERE means to illuminate, enlighten, and teach the doctrine by the example of one’s life.

FOVERE means to warm, to bear with, to stimulate, to encourage, fondle, soothe, and care for. For the Franciscan Sister, two ideas united in one, are represented by the burning lamp, for Christ said “Keep your loins girded and your lamps burning”. (Lk 12:35)

Our Vision and MissionOur VisionThe Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Province of Our Lady of the Mount, as a Consecrated and Prophetic Community with lay collaborators are called to educate, empower and evangelize the young, especially the poor and to establish God’s kingdom of justice and peace, collaborating with the local in the spirit of Blessed Maria Clara and Fr. Raimundo, our Founders.mariaFr. Raimundo Bierao

Under the guidance of St. Francis of Assisi, our Patron.

Our MissionWe the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters at Mount Mary Convent High School provide quality education through the dedicated teamwork with our collaborators in a Christian environment to nurture, Godly, disciplined and enterprising citizens who will be an assets and a transforming agent to the

“History Is A  Vision Of God’s Creation On The Move”

The Congregation of the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception’s India branch was established in Goa in 1886 and spread from there to the various parts of the country. A Franciscan Hospitaller Sister of the Immaculate Conception (FHIC) is a person, consecrated and dedicated to follow Jesus Christ and serve her brethren, especially the more needy. She commits herself to witness hospitality, the specific charism of the congregation, which is reflected in the multiple forms of service.

As Franciscans, we follow the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, whose ideal was to live according to the Gospel. These few simple words were his rule: “When Lord gave me brethren, no one taught me what I should do, but the Lord himself revealed to me, that we should live according to the Holy Gospel.” (testament of St. Francis, 16 & 17). Being born and formed by the Gospel, the Franciscan vocation is open to all categories of persons and all form of activity.

Foundation and early years (1910 -1932) The Sister’s entry to Bandra were the design of Providence. It was at the feet of Our Lady of the Mount that our Pioneers started a school and named it “Colegio da Imaculada Conceicao″; but the people right from the start kept calling it “Mount Mary Convent″.

Schoool buildingThe Convent had a very humble beginning, with a small furnished house; but within few months a spacious building was put up for the boarding school which housed 52 boarders and 36 Orphans. Established in 1910, Mount Mary Convent, Bandra, is a school for girls, recognized by the Government of Maharashtra. Run by the Catholic Minority, the school is open primarily for Catholic students, however, non catholic students are also admitted. While keeping the Christian character of the Institution, we consider is our duty to respect the beliefs of the other students. In 1930, Mount Mary Convent put up a new School Building. In 1931, it was raised to a High School; and in 1932, it sent up its first students for the Bombay Matriculation Examination, obtaining a hundred percent success.

The Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters aim at imparting a good all-round education. It is “a permanent and dynamic process that aims at helping the student to fulfill herself as a person responding to the challenges of her human vocation and identifying herself progressively with the New Man, in her triple relationship with God, with the others and the world”.

We aim at the integral and personal formation of the students by giving them an education, which is morally, physically and mentally sound. In keeping with the national aspirations, we help the student to become mature, spiritually oriented persons of character, actively useful and worthy citizens of India.

Old School viewBesides catering to the scholastic needs of our students, we attached great importance to Physical training, sports and games and other co-curricular activities. Through such programmes and competitions, children display their talents and are helped to discover their potential.

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Mount Mary Convent High School Location

2RWF+G2R, Mt Mary Rd, Mount Mary, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050, India

Mount Mary Convent High School Amenities
Smart Classrooms
Mount Mary Convent High School Admission Procedure

Dear Parents,Admissions for the academic year 2022-2023 is starting from 18th April 2022 to 30th April 2022 Eligibility Criteria: Class    Date of birth from    Date of birth toNursery    01 Oct 2018    31 Dec 2019Jr kg    01 Oct 2017    31 Dec 2018* NOTE THAT AFTER THE PORTAL CLOSES APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED, KINDLY APPLY IN THE ADMISSION TIME FRAME GIVEN ABOVE.


Mount Mary Convent High School Required Documents

If you are called for document verification via SMS, Please bring document listed below:1. Both Parent must accompany the child for submission and verification of the printed form as well as all supporting documents.

2. Parents must bring the original documents as well as a copy of the following at the time of document verification:

a. 1 – Coloured Passport size photo of the child (45mm x 35 mm)

b. 1 – Small size — Family photo (10 cm – 6×4)

c. Municipal Birth Certificate of the child in ENGLISH only. Official translation proof required if not in English.

d. Proof of Residence

e. Aadhar Card of father

f. Aadhar Card of Child

g. Ration card of family/Telephone bill/Electricity Bill/Passport

h. Baptism certificate of the child – in case of Christians only

i. Parent’s academic qualification certificates

j. Caste Certificate (in the Child’s name) – optional

k. Medical Certificate – only for disabled persons

Mount Mary Convent High School School Faculty
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Sister Stella Marthi

Principal / .

Mount Mary Convent High School Sports
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