Since : 1972
Category : Public Schools
LKG - 4
Board : ICSE
It has been 64 years since the walls of our great Institution first heard the thirsting humming of a mind desiring to enrich itself with the greatest blessing of them all- Education.
It has been 64 years since the walls of our great Institution first heard the thirsting humming of a mind desiring to enrich itself with the greatest blessing of them all- Education. Yes on September 3nd 1953, with 5 students [one including her own infant, Daraius] Mrs Dolat Doongaji embarked on a voyage to educate and enrich minds within the reaches of her world. Today 64 years later, New Activity School with a maximum capacity of 400 students is one of the premier primary education institutions in Mumbai. But like any monumental journey, this too was fraught with uncertainties and confusion. Like any nascent venture, New Activity School also started against the bedlam of tight deadlines. The founder Principal Mrs. Dolat Doongaji chanced a meeting with the doyens of the Bhullabhai Desai Institute while she was there to enjoy a play. Ever the naturist, she fell absolutely head over heels in love with the terraced gardens and requested their permission to begin a Nursery School. She of course was highly qualified to do so after having completed her B.T. exam [now B.Ed] securing a Gold Medal in then Bombay city. The doyens being far sighted, recognised and respected her stature and were keen to have the school come up. The only rider was that classes must begin in 15 days.
13 Tejpal Gokuldas Auditorium, N S Patkar Marg, Grant Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400007
Dr. Boman
Prinicipal / N/A