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Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz) - Santacruz (W)

2.8/5 Rating
Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz) Information

Since : 1927

Category : Day Schools

Class 1 - Class 12

Board : State Board


About Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz)

Building an education brand is not an easy task.

Building an education brand is not an easy task. Building a brand merelyis not enough, but sustaining it is where the challenge truly lies. Themission of Podar International School SSC & Podar International Highersecondary school is to develop and equip the children of India for thechallenges of the 21stcentury.In the changing world education system isalso evolving to keep pace with the ever changing demands .Withchange in time, our school adopts the changes as per requirement. InIndia there are many respected education brands, Our PIS- SSC &PIHSS is also one of the prestigious brand in Mumbai.The school is accredited with International School Award (ISA) fromBritish council for 2018- 2021.A recent survey conducted by TimesSchool ranked PIS- SSC & PIHSS at the 6 th position in the city. PIS- SSC& PIHSS support the poor and needy through Gift a Deed mobileapplication under the guidance and Project-in-Charge, Principal Mrs.Ophelia Barreto. Ex-students of the school also participate in this noblecause and distributes essential items and commodities amongst thepoor. H-Ward organized Science Exhibitionevery year and PIS- SSC &PIHSS bagged 3rd prize in Science senior Competition, 2nd prize forteaching aid (Junior) and 2nd prize in Science play. The school studentsget an opportunity every year to make 3-D models for Tinker CadCompetition organized by Podar Educational Complex which developconfidence and give the students a platform to explore hidden talentsand showcase their creativity.Our School follows Maharashtra State Board curriculum to meet therequirement of students of different sections of society. It is situated inthe prime location of the city which is the most convenient for thestudents. It is most techno savvy School with Wi-Fi facility to enablestudents to use internet. Being state board school, we are at par withinternational boards and other national boards for using technology.Wehave spacious, well ventilated and smart AC Classrooms. Our School isequipped with physics, chemistry and biology laboratory with well-trainedlaboratory assistant. School has an auditorium for students for culturalactivities such as dance, singing, drama, festival celebrations, elocutioncompetition etc. We have mobile library facility with huge number ofbooks on different subjects. We have a medical room with a nurseappointed during school hours. School also has an ambulance facility ata time of emergency. We have choreographer for dance training, Musicteacher for vocal training and well qualified teaching staff. Teachers trainstudents to adopt self-study method, encourage them to use Inversemethod of learning and boost their critical thinking skills.PIS- SSC & PIHSS and technology goes hand in hand in makinglearning an interactive and immersive experience for the students.Toimprove the quality of teaching, our school organizes several workshops,webinars and training covering a diverse range of topics. It alsoorganizes mock teaching sessions wherein constructive feedback isshared by department heads. Emphasis is placed on skill basedassessments. We cater to slow learners and also learning disabledstudents by facilitating them with special skills in areas of creativity suchas cookery and crafts.Our school permits the parent to allow a shadowteacher for physically impaired student. School Transport follows all RTOnorms and each Bus has cameras, mobile phone, GPS system, aspecially trained driver, lady attendant and a conductor. Our school also organizes a variety of events for the emotional andsocial development of students. Ourschool participates in various Intra School, Inter school, ward level andNational level competitions to provide budding students a platform toexpress their creativity and gain confidence. We have a list of accomplished alumni wherein several individuals whohave passed out from our school have pursued higher education andexcelled in different faculties such as Medical, Engineering, Architectureetc. We have healthy atmosphere and the entire teaching staff lives like afamily. Our school is considered to be one of the most respected schoolsin Mumbai city. Our scholastic record, innovative learning methods andstrong commitment to delivering quality through integrity has helped usscale heights in the field of education.
Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz) Fee Structure

87975 / Annual

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Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz) Location

Saraswati Rd, Santacruz West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400054, India

Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz) Amenities
Smart Classrooms
Podar International School - Mumbai (Santacruz) Sports
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