Why would you opt for a Montessori school for your little one, when there are so many schools around you to choose from?
The most important reason: your child will be happier in a school run on Montessori principles.
Why would you opt for a Montessori school for your little one, when there are so many schools around you to choose from?
The most important reason: your child will be happier in a school run on Montessori principles. And happiness in children is the one sure indicator that all their developmental needs are being met!
Dr. Montessori developed her system of education in accordance with the natural principles of child development. This ensures that in a Montessori classroom, your children get what they need, as much as they need and at the time they need it, in all the spheres - physical, emotional, intellectual and social.
No. 23, Parameshwari Nagar,3rd Street Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
We accept admissions throughout the year, subject to the availability of appropriate vacancies AND your child fulfilling the admission criteria.
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