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Bal Bharati Public school - Dwarka

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Bal Bharati Public school Information

Since : 1997

Category : Public Schools

PRE - 12

Board : CBSE


About Bal Bharati Public school

Welcome to Bal Bharati Public School Dwarka Keeping in view the needs of the people of Dwarka, probably the fastest growing area of Delhi, Child Education Society decided to start a unit of Bal Bharati Public School here.

Welcome to Bal Bharati Public School Dwarka

Keeping in view the needs of the people of Dwarka, probably the fastest growing area of Delhi, Child Education Society decided to start a unit of Bal Bharati Public School here. The School started functioning in the year 1997 in the campus of Bal Bharati Public School, Pitampura and was shifted to its present premises in Dwarka in July 2001. The school has a strength of around 2500 students on its roll at present.

About us

The Managing Committee of the school is headed by Mr. Nikhil Channa as the Chairman, Mr. Harsh Kumar as the Secretary/Manager and has a number of prominent educationists and other luminaries as members. The Principal is supported by a team of experienced and qualified teachers.


The School Complex

The school has sprawling infrastructure for the holistic development of each child. The total area of the school campus is 15,794 sq. mtrs. and the total area of the playground is 9794.37 sq. mtrs. The school building consists of two blocks of spacious, airy and audio-visual aids enabled classrooms, libraries, computer rooms, well equipped laboratories and well furnished rooms for creative activities such as art, painting, music and dance.


To develop scholastic personalities and impart knowledge to maximise skills and competenciesTo impart wisdom that transforms mere knowledge into meaningful initiative and enterprise for a harmonious and prosperous societyTo provide holistic education to society as a whole without prejudice or discriminationTo equip children to meet social, moral and intellectual  challenges and imbibe human valuesTo make students responsible, law-abiding and enlightened citizens of a global societyTo instil traits of team work, empathy, patience, perseverance and respect of elders and mentorsTo ensure sensitivity and commitment to environment and all beings to save the planet for future generation

Bal Bharati Public school Fee Structure
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Bal Bharati Public school Location

Rd Number 203, opp. ICICI Bank, Sector 12 Dwarka, Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi 110078

Bal Bharati Public school Amenities
Smart Classrooms
Bal Bharati Public school Admission Procedure

Admission Schedule for Pre-School Registration- 2023-24.Reference Directorate of Education Circular No.F.DE.15(172)/PSB/2016/9483-9492 dated 21/11/2022Age Criteria: - Children born between 01.04.2019 and 31.03.2020 will be eligible for admission to Pre-School. Online Registration for Pre School Admission: 1st December 2022 to 23rd December 2022Last date of receipt of the form 23rd December 2022First List and Waiting List 1 20th January 2023 on Website and School Notice BoardResolution of queries of the parent, if any, (written/e-mail/verbal) regarding allotment of points to their ward in the first list 21st January 2023 to 30th January 2023Second List and Waiting List 2(if any) 6th February 2023Closure of admission process 17th March 2023ADMISSION CRITERIA for Pre-School Registration- 2023-24Points will be allocated to the applicants on the basis of the following criteria:-S.No. Criteria Points Total Points1 Neighbourhood Distance 50 a. 0 to 5 Kms 50 b. Above 5 upto 7 Kms 30 c. Beyond 7 Kms 20 2 Old Parent (case of sibling) 20 203 Firstborn child 20 204 Alumni (of BBPS DW only) 10 10 Total Points 100 Allotment of seats for admission to Pre-School for the Session 2023-24:Total No of Seats: 240 Category % ageA E.W.S / DG 25%B Staff Wards 5%C Management Seats 20%Except for EWS/DG, Staff wards and Management quota seats, for the rest of the seats 50% seats will be given to boys & 50% to girls. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADMISSION: - Age Criteria: Children born between 01.04.2019 and 31.03.2020 will be eligible for admission to Pre-School.Please visit the school website before filling up the form to get detailed information about the school.An incomplete or incorrect application will be rejected.No Prospectus to be sold. Only Registration Fee of Rs. 25/- will be charged and payment mode is ONLINE only.Please retain the transaction ID and copy of the form received.Only one registration per child is allowed. Multiple applications will lead to the cancellation of registration.Only the printout submitted in the dropbox at school gate no.1 will be considered for admission. Please drop the printout of the final successful registration form along with the google map displaying the aerial distance from the school as proof of distance.Google map will be used to calculate the aerial distance from school gate no.1 to your residence for reference click on the given link (GOOGLE DISTANCE)Recheck all the details carefully before clicking on submit as no corrections will be allowed after submission. Any discrepancy in the distance will lead to cancellation of the form.Admission will be granted subject to verification of documents. A list of the provisionally shortlisted candidates along with the first waiting list will be put up on the school notice board and website on January 20, 2023.If the address/DOB or any other detail supplied by the parent is found to be incorrect, registration will be cancelled with immediate effect.Valid Residential Proof-Ration card/Smart Card issued in the name of Parents (Mother/Father) having the name of the Child.Domicile certificate of child or his/herVoter I Card (EPIC) of the Address should be same in VoterCards of both the parents.Electricity Bill/MTNL Telephone bill/Water bill/ Passport in the name of the parents orAadhar Card/Unique Identity Card in the name of Mother/Father/Child issued by of India. Address should be same in all the aadhar cards.Rent deed will not be deemed as valid proof for residence.There will be no interaction with the parent/child.There will be no weightage for parents' educational qualifications, occupations or financial status.Please email at in case of any query or assistance.PLEASE NOTE:With reference to Directorate of Education Circular No.F.DE.15(172)/PSB/2016/4861-4871 dated 30/11/2021, all applicants falling under the criteria of age relaxation bracket up to 30 days for the minimum & upper age limit are requested to contact the Admission Incharge physically with an application between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on all workingDATE OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE of the child: It must have the name of the child and the parents as submitted in the registrationPlease retain the copy of the receipt through the mail for furtherAt the time of admission/verification of documents:The Aadhar Card/ UID card of parents and the child should be at the sameThe Voter I-Card of both the parents must contain the sameFOR ADMISSION TO EWS AND DISADVANTAGED CATEGORIESFor admission to EWS/Disadvantaged/Children with special needs rules framed by DOE will be followed. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM FOR PRE-SCHOOL ADMISSION: -All the fields marked with a star (*) are mandatory.Please retain the transaction ID and copy of the form received.Distance shall be measured from the school’s main gate no. 1 to your residence address using google maps aerial distance. (Click on the link  GOOGLE DISTANCE)Any discrepancy in the distance shall lead to the cancellation of the application form/admission While filling the online form:The photograph must be in a dark backgroundPlease ensure that the RECENT passport-sized photograph of your ward is uploaded. (not more than 1 month old)The maximum size of the file should be of 40The file should be named as REGISTRATION JPG. For example- 220220001.jpgRecheck all the details carefully before clicking on submit as no corrections will be allowed after submission.In case of any error in the form follow the steps as given below:Fill a new form by making a freshNew registration number will beIn order to delete the old registration number parents must inform the school through email – ( Otherwise, it will be treated as a duplicate entry and will lead to cancellation.For ALUMNI Category – The parent of the applicant must have passed XII board from Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka.In case of single-parent provide the details of Father or Mother as per applicable.Important Note:DO NOT refresh the page while making an ONLINE payment. Please do not press the back arrow on the address bar. Click here for Online Registration for Pre-School Admission 2023-24

Bal Bharati Public school Required Documents

Documents Received

1. Date of Birth Certificate 

2. Residence Proof 

3. Family Photo 

4.RationCard/Smart Card issued in the name of Parents

(Mother/Father having name of child).

5. Domicile certificate of child or his/her parents.

6. VoterI-Card(EPIC)of any of the Parents.

7. Electricity bill/MTNL telephone bill/Water bill/Passport inthe

name of any of the parents or child.

8.Aadhaar Card/UID card issued in the name of any of the parents.

9. Appropriate proof in case of Transfer / shifting case 

10. Evidence for Alumni

11. Appropriate medical report in case child requires special medical attention

12.Previous Year ReportCard /T.C.(ifapplicable)

Bal Bharati Public school School Faculty
Yellow Slate

Suruchi Gandhi

Principal / .

Bal Bharati Public school Sports
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