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Tagore Shiksha Niketan - Mithapur Extension,Mithapur

4.4/5 Rating
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Tagore Shiksha Niketan Information

Since : 2006

Category : Day Schools

Nursery - Class 12

Board : CBSE


About Tagore Shiksha Niketan

Established in the year 2000 .

Established in the year 2000 . Tagore Shiksha Niketan is located in Meethapur extn. New Delhi-44 . The schools basic approach and continuous efforts since its inception have been devoted to enlighten the younger & upcoming generation about the power of knowledge through modern day technologies.The school has transformed the landscape not just in physical terms but also in other fields of development including spiritual , intellectual & mental Tagore Shiksha Niketan provides all its students with basic needs to cope with the competition and a progressive and comprehensive academic curriculum supported by co-curricular activities.
Tagore Shiksha Niketan Fee Structure

Fee Range:- 16,530 - 16,530

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Tagore Shiksha Niketan Location

D-91, Lalu Colony, Mithapur Extension, Badarpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110044, India

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