The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. But it involves deliberation and much hesitation. The Symbiosis journey however began with a surge of enthusiasm spurred on by an incident that, in itself, makes a poignant tale.
It is an inspiring tale and in the words of the founder of Symbiosis, Prof. Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, it says: "It was afternoon on a hot day. I was standing near a window of my house overlooking the first hostel block, of which I was a rector. A strange thing happened. A girl walked up to the window of the boy's hostel room, quickly handed over something and disappeared. My curiosity was aroused and I kept watching the girl walking up to the window day after day and suspected, like any other rector would, that an affair was afoot. So one day, I made up my mind and walked up to the door and knocked. When the door opened, I saw a Mauritian student lying in bed. His face was pale and his eyes seemed to have sunken low.
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