10 Reasons Why The IB PYP Programme At Amrita International Is The Best For Your Child

Running under the guiding light of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, Amrita International Vidyalayam is easily one of the best schools in Bangalore. The school prides itself in being a value-based, learner-centered institution where the latest discoveries and advancements blend with important universal values such as compassion and kindness.

One of the best international schools in Bangalore, Amrita International Vidyalayam provides the best-in-industry education in accordance with the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The school’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) helps lay an immaculate foundation from which global citizens can be molded. 

Today, we’ll take a quick look at the 10 things that make the Primary Years Programme at Amrita International Vidyalayam the best launchpad for your ward’s future. 

Amrita International Vidyalayam

1.Encourages Students to Inquire

The PYP program offers a supportive and conducive environment where students’ natural curiosity breeds and learning takes place at a comfortable pace. With the Indian value system at the core of education, a humanistic direction is given to the children’s curiosity. The qualified faculty of Amrita International Vidyalayam ensures that there are no obstacles for students in the quest to quench their curiosities.

2.Understanding A Complex And Interdependent World

AIV aims to create a cohort of compassionate global citizens. It plans to do so by not restricting the teaching-learning to only classrooms, but letting it flow in real outdoor contexts as well. In their quest for new knowledge, the PYP students are given real-world problems that seek the creativity in them. In the process, AIV students gain a deeper insight into the complex and intricate interdependencies of this world. 

Amrita International Vidyalayam Bangalore

3.Students Become Efficient Communicators

One of the most important 21st century skills, communication is undoubtedly key to having a successful career and an impactful life. The PYP programme at Amrita International Bangalore strives to equip all its students with the powerful tool of effective communication. AIV teaches students to not only communicate in various ways, but to also do that effectively in multiple languages, giving them the extra edge over their peers.

4.Learning How To Learn

Learning is a self-regulated process, and Amrita International acknowledges that fact. Therefore, the focus of the education imparted by the PYP programme is to instill a sense of curiosity and knowledge-seeking, so that the process of learning becomes a life-long endeavor. This mindset allows AIV students to adapt to new situations better and to have a humble approach to their respective fields in the future. The teaching takes place not just through discussion, but also through peer learning and peer assessments.   

Amrita International Vidyalayam Bangalore

5.Instills Global Mindset

An international curriculum warrants a continuous focus on the global nature of humanity and how diversity makes us all better. For that, at AIV, collaboration and understanding of their own and other cultures becomes an important aspect of the PYP programme. Through the comprehensive approach of the faculties at Amrita International Vidyalaya, Bangalore, a sense of compassion and an overall cultural sensitivity is imbibed in the students. 

6.Seeing Things From Different Perspectives

We talked about how Amrita International Vidyalayam Academics sets students up to be more sensitive and compassionate. The value-based education helps the budding youngsters gain the ability to step into others’ shoes, so that their innovation can give rise to solutions that achieve common good. 

7.Students Take Action

By placing them in real-world contexts, PYP learners are taught to come up with impactful solutions to real issues. However, Amrita International Vidyalayam academics ensures that this process does not remain theoretical. Hence, the school also allows the students to apply their knowledge in scientific, social and learning contexts. This helps students retain knowledge better and apply them in appropriate contexts. The infrastructure (multiple labs and studios) at AIV has been designed meticulously to aid the same. 

8.Thinking About Issues

No society is devoid of issues, and the coming generation is often expected to be the harbinger of solutions. Well, to keep up with those expectations, the PYP programme implores and encourages students to seek new information, ascertain the truth and form opinions that will help them respond to new and unexpected challenges.

9.Creating A Community Of Learners

Amrita International strictly believes that quality education is the answer to the beckoning call of the future. Hence, it aims to create a community of lifelong learners who rejoice in their common humanity and interests and face their challenges unitedly - as one. They believe that education can be the uniting factor that helps in the creation of a better and more peaceful world. 

Amrita International Vidyalayam Bangalore

10.Responsible, Compassionate, Global Citizens

The students of the IB programme at Amrita International Vidyalayam are equipped with not only a modern education, but also a set of humanistic values that sets them apart. These values help remove the obstacle of borders and think of potential solutions to world problems from a global perspective. 

In today’s age where education systems lie criticized and debated, Amrita International Vidyalayam Bangalore’s collaboration with the International Baccalaureate curriculum is an exception. The Primary Years Progamme designed for students aged 3 to 12, is miles ahead of its contemporaries in its approach in terms of the teaching methodology and the content imparted to students.

If you live in Bangalore and are looking for an excellent IB program for your ward, Amrita International Vidyalayam’s academics won’t disappoint you.

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