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Sancta Maria International School - Sector 93

0/5 Rating
Sancta Maria International School Information

Since : 2021

Category : Public Schools

PRE - 12

Board : IGCSE, IB


Sancta Maria International School Fee Structure

3,00,000 - 6,00,000

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Sancta Maria International School Location

Sector 93, Faridabad, 121002, Delhi, NCR, Faridabad, Haryana 121002

Sancta Maria International School Amenities
Smart Classrooms
Sancta Maria International School Admission Procedure

The selection of learners for admission to the School is based on an assessment of the following

factors :

  • Whether a complete admission application (being a complete set of all documentation and

information requested) is submitted;

  • Whether the learner has met the promotion requirements to the next grade (immediately below the

grade to which the admission application relates);

  • Whether there are places available at the chool given the capacity;
  • Whether the school can meet the educational needs of the learner (including but not limited to any

special educational needs of the learner);

  • Age of the learner. Age appropriateness as per the CAIE, IB and Government of India norms will be

the point of reference per grade before granting admission unless exceptional circumstances

require otherwise. The statistical age norm per grade as of the 1st of July of the year applied for is


  • No student will be denied admission based on caste, creed, gender, race, religion, ethnic background

or other discriminatory practice;

  • Admission is made purely based on first-come, first-serve, merit &subject to the availability of seats

in different classes;

  • The willingness of the learner to participate in and add value to all areas of school life;
  • Admission to the School is in the best interests of the learner – all learners are required to

participate in the academic, sports and cultural programs of the school, and given the need to ensure


  • English language, Mathematics and any other subject relevant to the proficiency is measured as part

of the admission process for students entering Grades 6 – 12;

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  • Students are only taken into Grade 10 if they are transferring from a similar curriculum. Their

admission is based on reports from their existing school and an assessment followed by an


  • Admission seekers for Grade 11 have a verbal interaction and written assessments in English,

Mathematics and any other subject as required. All the IB Diploma candidates also have a meeting

with the HOS. The candidates should demonstrate the ability to meet the requirements of the IB

Diploma Programme.

  • In Grade XII, only transfer of IB Diploma Students is admitted, provided they meet all the prerequisites of the IB Diploma;
  • Overseas / Outstation applicants should send all the required documents to the Admissions Office

via email or courier. In addition, they may also arrange a confidential recommendation from their

existing school containing their final transcript. Such information should come directly from the

candidate's existing school

  • Any admission is subject to a satisfactory reference check from the below age criteria
  1. Age Criteria:

 The age criteria of admission to various classes in SANCTA MARIA are:

Grade for


Age Requirement at the

time of Admission

Nursery 2.6 to 3.6yrs

EY1 3.6 to 4.6 yrs

EY2 4.6 to 5.6yrs

Grade 1 5.6 to 6.6 yrs

Grade 2 6.6 to 7.6 yrs

Grade 3 7.6 to 8.6 yrs

Grade 4 8.6 to 9.6 yrs

Grade 5 9.6 to 10.6yrs

Grade 6 10.6 to 11.6 yrs

Grade 7 11.6 to 12.6 yrs

Grade 8 12.6 to 13.6 yrs

Grade 9 13.6 to 14.6 yrs

Grade 10 14.6 to 15.6 yrs

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Grade 11 15.6 to 16.6 yrs

Grade 12 to 17.6 yrs



For IBDP, students should have the following details:

  • Diploma Programme students study six subjects (three at Standard Level (SL) and three at Higher

Level (HL) over two years and fulfils three additional requirements: The Theory of Knowledge

(TOK), the Extended Essay (EE) and CAS—creativity, activity and service tasks outside of the

classroom as per the IB norms amended from time to time. In addition to these requirements,

students must earn a minimum of 24 points out of a possible 45 points on the final assessments,

which are externally marked and moderated by the IB, to qualify for an IB diploma successfully.

  • All students are encouraged to undertake the full diploma. However, students with different

aspirations and capabilities can undertake the course credit program after a discussion between

the student, parents and DP coordinator.

  • In some cases, based on the student performance and teacher(s)’ recommendations, a student may

be advised to pursue individual courses instead of the full diploma. This decision is made in

consultation with the student’s parents, HOS and the DP Coordinator.

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 Admission to the Sancta Maria’s IBDP programme is contingent on candidates:

  • obtaining a minimum of 5 Cs in the International General Certification of Secondary Education

(IGCSE) examinations

  • complete Sancta Maria’s entrance requirements
  • meet all external requirements of IB
  • are approved by the HOS
  1. ELS (English Learning Support) – As an International School, many students arrive at the school

with a level of English language acquisition that is not adequate for them to manage mainstream

classes without support with their English language. In many cases, these students can already

communicate well in more than one language; therefore, they acquire English as an additional

language. Students are identified during the interview process or their first month at SMIS and

then included in the programme appropriately.

  1. ALS (Additional Learning Support) - The School will test students who may need this service in

consultation with parents. Those needing extra support will need to submit a formal report from a

recognised and specially designed education programme devised by ALS teachers in collaboration

with regular Teachers. ALS Certification allows us to apply for special consideration in the Board



  • FRRO (Foreign Resident Registrar’s Office) Form - It is a statutory obligation for all students

carrying non-Indian passports to register themselves with the ‘Foreign Resident Registrar’s Office’.

Once this is done, parents must submit copies of the relevant documents to the Admissions Office.

  • Indemnity Bond- The School takes exceptional care of your child and takes all feasible precautions

to keep him/her safe. Parents are required to sign the Indemnity Form at the time of admission to

cover unexpected contingencies. We also ask parents to sign a Parental Consent Form to enable the

school to make informed decisions on behalf of the student. These could include trekking, camping,

sports or cultural visits to other schools. The Teaching Staff will always accompany students.

  • Parent Consent Forms – At the time of admission, parents must sign forms accepting school rules,

policies including boarding policies, fee policies and amendments, giving students consent to

participate in all activities arranged by the school. This includes all mandatory trips and excursions,

all sports activities, competitions, tournaments or festivals.

  • Students who wish to take up horse riding as an activity have a further indemnity on behalf of the

Riding facility.

  • Health Forms - The School is very particular about each individual’s health and safety. Parents are

required to complete the Health Form with all details. This will ensure the safety of your child. All

inoculation records and allergy conditions must be included in the form with detailed information.


Sancta Maria International School, Faridabad, believes in quality and high education standards with

the world-class infrastructure and facilities spread over the sprawling area in nine (9) acres of land.

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The fee structure and policies of the school are designed to support these offerings. The fee details are

available on-demand at the Admissions Office. The fee structure is reviewed annually, and

amendments are made available to the stakeholders accordingly. All the changes would be available at

the Admissions Office before the new academic year commences. Once the admission is approved and

communicated by the admissions team, the Admission fee (non-refundable) and the Caution Deposit

(refundable), as applicable, have to be paid to block the child's seat. Every student admitted into the

school needs to pay a caution deposit.


  1. Composite School Fee
  • The composite School fee is applicable for the school academic year.
  • The composite School fee covers all the teaching and other expenses such as food, the standard

stationery kit provided once a year (no repeats), labs and library, co-curricular activities, sports etc., for

the academic year. However, the Composite School fee does not include uniforms, textbooks, annual

camps, additional subject support/individual activity tuition (if applicable), off-campus sports activities,

specialised individual projects in Design and Technology/Visual Arts/Sciences, Pocket Money,

Insurance, field trips and excursions, external examination fee, transportation, Olympiads etc.

  • Support Programme Fee - English Support (ES), Additional Learning Support (ALS) and remedial support

fees shall be charged quarterly along with the payment of the composite Fee. The support programme

is provided need-based on the students and the annual academic calendar – from August to May. Since

enrolment in these programmes is vital for a student's academic progress, the school's assessment and

recommendation for a particular student's enrolment in such programmes shall be final and binding.

  1. Transportation Fee - Students who opt for daily school transport need to pay the 'Transport fee'

quarterly and the Composite School Fee. Any changes such as change of address, addition or

withdrawal to/from the transport facility etc., need to be informed to the Admissions department by

email a quarter in advance. The Fee will be levied for that Quarter.

There are two options available for payment of the composite School fee:

  1. Yearly advance payment
  2. Payment in four instalments

Instalments Due Date

1st Quarter 10th of July

2nd Quarter 10th of October

3rd Quarter 10th of January

4th Quarter 10th of April

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Guidelines for payment of fees:

All fee payments should be made by the due dates as indicated in the Fee Schedule.

  • The School reserves the right to revise/amend the Fee Schedule
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to make the fee payment before the due date and during school

office working hours. It is inefficient and embarrassing on both sides if the school has to follow up

with parents for fee payment. In case, the fee is delayed or pending, the following measures will be

put into action:

  • Late Fee will be charged @ INR 100 per day for all days, including weekends and holidays, from

the 10th of July (First Quarter), the 10th of October (Second quarter), the 10th of January (Third

quarter) and the 10th of April (Fourth quarter).

  • Up to 10 (working) days after the payment deadline, payment will be accepted with a late fee of

INR 200 per day for the number of days the Fee has been delayed.

  • Beyond a delay of 10 days, a reminder notification will be sent by the Parents Relation Team.

Parents/Guardians must acknowledge the same and pay the pending Fee within five working days

after receiving the reminder. Please note that a late fee of INR 200 per day will continue to be

charged until the outstanding Fee is cleared.

  • If the Fee is pending despite the reminder from the school, the school reserves the right to take

actions ranging from written warning to stopping access to premises and services, which the

school is obliged to pay for, to its employees, consultants and contractors.

  • In severe and repetitive default, the school reserves the right to treat the case as a

withdrawal. The file will be closed in school after the clearance of the amount due. In such

cases, if the parents want to 're-admit the child, they will be expected to pay the pending

dues and new admission fee as applicable in that year.

  • No Service Tax/GST is currently applicable and hence is not included in the Fee. However,

suppose the government imposes Service Tax/GST/any other tax in future. In that case, the

same shall be charged to the parents.

  • The Management reserves the right to alter or modify the fee structure as it deems

appropriate.The Management reserves the right to alter or modify the fee structure as it

deems appropriate.

  • The fees do not include Cambridge and IB Examination Fees.
  • Transfer Certificates and Recommendation Letters can only be issued once all outstanding dues

have been cleared.

  • Non- compliance with payment procedures can debar the student from attending classes.

Kindly refer to our fee policy in detail on our website.

Sancta Maria International School Required Documents

Documents Required during Admission

• Passport size coloured photograph of the child

• Passport size coloured photograph of the parents/guardians

• Passport size coloured photograph of any other authorised person who can pick up the child from

the school

• Birth certificate / passport copy of the child

• Vaccination file of the child

• Report card of the previous grade (if applicable)

• Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate (if applicable)

• Aadhar Card (parents/guardians and child)

• PAN Card (person making the fee payment)

• Address proof

• Copy of OCI Card / Visa for the child who is a foreign national/citizen

• No change in a birthdate can be made once recorded in the school register unless overwhelming

documentary evidence supports a change and where a genuine mistake has occurred previously

Sancta Maria International School School Faculty



Sancta Maria International School Sports











Lawn Tennis















